Site materials presented in Russian
Православные основы русского колокольного звона Basics of Orthodox-style
Bell Ringing in Russia

Blessing of bell (under consruction)
Orthodox-style bell ringing
types of bells
types of zvons
about visiting the belltower in Easter days
zvon for liturgy with bishop
ringer's prayers

Общество церковных звонарей

activities of Russia's Society of Bell Ringers
list of towers and zvonnitsa arranged by Igor Konovalov

Школа звонарского мастерства Игоря Коновалова

Moscow school at the Christ the Savior Cathedral
bell ringer' class at the Rostov Savior St. Jacob Monastery
master-classes in Yaroslavl and Rostov the Great
practical recomendations to bell-ringers

Технология колокололитейного дела

making of bells
bell ornamental design
аcoustics (under construction)
modern foundries in Russia

Подбор колоколов и обустройство колоколен

choosing bells for solid zvon
bell type-settings
architectural consructions used in mounting Orhodox bells
  wooden constructions
  stone construction
setting up bells
rules for bell placing
mounting bells on the bean
safety precautions


list of papers and articles
Часто задаваемые вопросы




in Moscow
in Rostov the Great and around
Kremlin of Rostov the Great, summer 2003
Kremlin of Rostov the Great, spring–summer 2004
Church of John the Theologian by Ishnya River
in Yaroslavl
Church of Elijah the Prophet
  Churches of Yaroslavl
in Vladimir and around
The Dormition's Cathhedral
The Demetrius' Cathedral
Church of Intercession by Nerli River
in Vologda and around
  Kiril Belozersky Monastery
  Ferapontov Monastery
in Kiev
St. Sofia Cathedral
Kiev Pecherskaya Lavra
St. Michael Zlatoverhy Monastery


belltowers and zvonnitsa
bells in Old Russia
Russian famous bells
Russian famous bell-settings
history of Russian bell-fonundring
history of ornamental design
history of Russian bell-ringing traditions


Исторический архив

Russian Orthodox bells and bell ringing
bells of Moscow
bells of Moscow Kremlin
bells of Trinity Sergius Monastery
bells of Rostov the Great
bells of Yaroslavl Eparchy
bells of Kiril Belozersky Monastery
Russian bell-founding in the XVIII–XX centuries


       Igor Konovalov is the most famous bell ringer in Russia. Not only is he the chairman of Russia's Society of Bell Ringers, but he has also been ringing the bells at some of the nation's most prestigious churches, including those at the Kremlin in Moscow, for the last twenty years.

      Because of him, hundreds of bell towers in different cities have reacquired their voices, including the major tower of the country, the Kremlin's Ivan Velikiy («Ivan the Great»). 

       Twice a week, he tutors his students on the art of bell ringing. And twice a week, he makes the familiar trek to the Christ the Savior Cathedral, where he rings the bells on weekends.

       He is the Moscow patriarch's senior bell ringer and is known around the world as the man who revived Russia's traditions of bell ringing.



65-46 Butyrskaya Ulitsa
Russia 152015
(926) 521-70-16
(910) 968-98-08
(095) 977-79-52